Dancing to see

After a series a sessions in 2014 and 2015 in several countries, “Gazing & Dancing #5 – Dancing to see” will take place the 13rd and the 14th of October, as part of the “Journées de réflexion” of Micadanses.


On the 14th of October, the audience is invited to put his glance on this experience.

2PM: Meetings around the project “Gazing and Dancing” and new insights.
Croatian, French and Hungarian teams will present what happened during the previous sessions. Romain Bigé (philosopher), Charlotte Imbault (critic) et Tatjana Nikolić (Station Service for Contemporary Dance) will share their approach about gaze in dance.

6PM: Performance
After an introduction by Myriam Gourfink, laboratory members and their guests will will present several propositions around the gaze.

With: Marija Andrijašević, Yaïr Barelli, Romain Bigé, Hrvoslava Brkušić, Josipa Bubaš, Pierre Cottreau, Alexandre Da Silva, Marie-Julie Debeaulieu, András Déri, Geisha Fontaine, Myriam Gourfink, Charlotte Imbault, Dóra Juhász, Tatjana Nikolić and Christophe Martin.



With the support of the European Union Culture Programme 2007-2013, the French Institute of Zagreb and the French Institute of Budapest.
Organisers : Mille Plateaux Associés, University of Zagreb – Student Centre, Kortars Tancert & Pal Frenak Company – Budapest
Partners : micadanses (Paris), Station Service for Contemporary Dance (Belgrade), La Briqueterie – CDC du Val-de-Marne (Vitry-sur-Seine)

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